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In a context of constant change and competition between needs and aspirations, people’s relation to work is more than ever a burning issue. OpinionWay can help you decipher these shifts and identify the adjustments needed to make your organisation more efficient and attractive.

We deploy two complementary approaches:

  • Thematic surveys on diverse of audiences to explore topics such as new working arrangements, attractivity assets and staff retention, and workplace cultures. These studies are used to provide our clients with expert and strategic advice.
  • Internal employee surveys designed to monitor the organisation’s social performance (social barometer, health, QHCT, prevention of RPS, etc.).

Together, we mobilise all the necessary resources, from gathering information to facilitating decision-making, to enable you to understand your situation and take effective action.


Main challenges

Work is still a major issue for the French!

Contrary to common beliefs, work remains essential for more than 8 out of 10 employees, who are looking for recognition above all. However, work vies with family and personal life in how important they are for employees, presenting employers with new challenges in terms of attracting and retaining them.

Social performance, the driving force behind overall performance

The quality of work is a paramount to the sense of purpose, commitment and well-being. Against a backdrop of increasing demands, having accurate tools to measure employee experience is crucial to ensuring social performance and, by extension, overall performance.

Mental health and psychological well-being

Mental health, highlighted by the health crisis, remains fragile, particularly among the youth. Preserving this key dimension is a matter of responsibility for organisations, essential to both the common good and the maintenance of collective efficiency.

Flexibility requirements, a challenge for organisations

Between external volatility and employees’ expectations in terms of work-life balance, flexibility is becoming essential. Organisations must constantly adjust their practices to maintain a great quality of life and working conditions.

Shaping diversity

Diversity, particularly generational, is a strength to cultivate. Generation Z brings a promising commitment, while senior employees are looking to pass on their experience. Capitalising on these assets is crucial to build lively organisations.

Our experts

Stéphane Lefebvre-Mazurel

Deputy Managing Director – Director of the Business Market Transformation and Management-HR Departments

Pierre-Etienne Bost

Co-Director of the Managament-HR Department

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TF1 Pub

The research on engagement is one of the pillars of branding effectiveness for TF1 Advertising’s research department. For the 6th edition of this study, marking its 10th anniversary, we received tremendous support from OpinionWay, which stood out for its expertise and professionalism. The team was proactive, they perfectly understood our needs and delivered high-quality work, meeting all our expectations.

Together, we were able to produce a study that continues to provide valuable insights to our department and to the market! Many thanks to the OpinionWay team for this fruitful collaboration.

Antoine AUDIT, Advertising research director at TF1 Pub

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