Legal information
OpinionWay S.A.S with a capital of €11,399,410.00
Head office: 15 Place de la République, 75003 Paris
R.C.S.: 878 886 068 R.C.S. Paris
SIRET: No. 878 886 068 00013
APE: 7320Z
Intra-community VAT number: FR 45 878 886 068
Phone: 01-81-81-83-00 – Fax: 01-81-81-83-99
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Agence nsw
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The site is hosted by OVH (2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix – SAS with a capital of €10,069,020, RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045).
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OpinionWay, and all third parties involved in the creation of this site, provide no warranty, explicit or implicit, and assume no responsibility regarding the use of this publication. As such, they cannot be held liable to a user or any other party for direct or indirect, special, particular, or incidental damages arising from the use of this site or another site linked by a hyperlink.
Some information and data available on the site are produced by third parties: OpinionWay commits to making its best efforts to ensure they are reliable, relevant, accurate, and comprehensive, but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information, and/or the presence of viruses on its site. The content of any feedback to OpinionWay will be deemed non-confidential and free of rights. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, OpinionWay may freely use the ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in this communication for any useful purpose, without restriction, to reproduce and disclose any information to third parties.
The content of the pages of the site is presented for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to propose specific products and services from OpinionWay.
Personal Data Protection
The personal information concerning the user is for internal use by the company OpinionWay. Under no circumstances will OpinionWay disclose it to third parties for advertising or promotional purposes.
The user is informed that, in accordance with applicable regulations, notably European Regulation 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and national provisions relating to data processing, files, and freedoms, the responses given to forms that may be present on the site, notably allowing the user to provide their contact details to receive documentation, download brochures, propose a partnership, submit a study project, respond to a job or internship offer, or subscribe to the newsletter, may be used by OpinionWay solely for these purposes.
The user has the right to access, rectify, oppose, limit the processing, and delete this data by writing to the Data Protection Officer at:
Data Protection Officer
15 Place de la République
75003 Paris
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Requests must be accompanied by proof of identity.
If we do not respond to one of your requests within 30 days, you also have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL.
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Market and Opinion Studies
This mark proves compliance with the NF X 50-057 standard and the NF323 certification regulations.
It guarantees that compliance with ethics and good professional practices (methodology, collection, control, and analysis of information, restitution of results) is controlled by:
AFAQ AFNOR Certification
11 rue Francis de Pressensé
93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex – France
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A cookie is a text file stored by your browser when visiting a website. It allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is stored, during its validity period, and to remember certain information related to your browsing, in particular to simplify your navigation.
Why do we use cookies?
We use cookies to provide you with an optimal user experience, facilitate your navigation, and improve the performance of our website.
What types of cookies are used on our site?
We use two categories of cookies, the purposes of which are described below. We do not use any targeted advertising cookies or personal information collection cookies.
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