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Banking, Finance and Insurance

For several years now, this department has been standing out for its dual specialisation: exploratory and tactical. Through BtoC and BtoB initiatives, in France as well as around the world, we address every issue attached to to the industry.

  • Exploratory: We are developing recurring Observatories, such as the “Argus de l’Assurance”, or one-off observatories, such as the “Observatoire bancaire des 12-24 ans”, which provide strategic data.
  • Tactics: Thanks to innovative, agile solutions combining Quanti, Quali, Weblistening and Data, we enable organisations to optimise their decision-making abilities.

The main challenges

Responsible finance

Societal expectations are reinforcing the importance of building savings that combine security and positive impact.

Customer relations made easy

Digitalisation means that banks and insurance companies must adopt a more customer-centric approach.


Focus on technologies

Crypto, Fintech and AI are redefining the customer experience and financial opportunities landscapes.

Our experts

Benoit Parraud

Director of the Banking-Finance-Insurance and Transports-Mobility-Tourism Departments

Pascal Novais

Deputy Director of the Banking-Finance-Insurance Department

Valérie Marie

Co-Director of the LIFE Department

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(Another) Voice of Consumer

Our solution for capturing and analysing your web presence to guide your strategies! By analysing 3 sources of data (Google queries, consumer publications and web conversations), you can obtain a clear picture of the online discussions and searches carried out by your target audiences, on your products, your brand or any other subject of interest… […]

Observatory on banking for 12-24 year-olds

OpinionWay is launching the Observatory on banking for 12-24 year-olds, a unique system based on a mirror approach between young people aged 12 to 24 and parents of minors aged 12 to 18, combining qualitative exploratory methods and quantitative research.. An Observatory designed to understand the mechanisms behind banking decisions (among young people and parents), […]

Observatory on neo-insurance

This multi-submission survey enables us to assess the French’s relation to neo-insurance (awareness, perception, image and intentions), as well as providing feedback on the neo-insurance experience. What is the current relation between the French and the neo-insurance industry? Are the French familiar with the concept and the players involved? How do they perceive them? Who […]

TF1 Pub

The research on engagement is one of the pillars of branding effectiveness for TF1 Advertising’s research department. For the 6th edition of this study, marking its 10th anniversary, we received tremendous support from OpinionWay, which stood out for its expertise and professionalism. The team was proactive, they perfectly understood our needs and delivered high-quality work, meeting all our expectations.

Together, we were able to produce a study that continues to provide valuable insights to our department and to the market! Many thanks to the OpinionWay team for this fruitful collaboration.

Antoine AUDIT, Advertising research director at TF1 Pub

Dernières publications


Observatory of digital uses – Afterbanking or new banking uses - January 2019


AI European Barometer - February 2025


European Multiclient Survey – 4th wave - December 2024


Europeans’ views on the 2024 US elections - November 2024


European Multiclient Survey – 3rd wave - October 2024


“Actionability must prevail over the tyranny of metrics!”


Europeans’ views on the international situation and the European elections - June 2024


The European, the Ukraine war and international relationship - April 2024