Environmental and social issues at the heart of our daily lives

OpinionWay ranks among the top 15% of French companies rated for their environmental and social performance (Silver EcoVadis Label awarded in March 2024). The company has been awarded this recognition since 2017.

We have set up a CSR Committee responsible for rolling out – in collaboration with members of the Management Board – concrete initiatives to support and raise awareness of CSR issues among employees (Sustainable Mobility Plan, exclusive use of recycled paper, waste recycling, promotion of responsible consumption, etc.).

Our Group also offers its employees investments in SRI funds and company savings plans and supports social and socially responsible start-ups through its Bourse aux Études.

On 31 March 2022, OpinionWay signed the Cancer@Work charter and became a member of the association, whose aim is to promote job retention and reintegration following cancer or other chronic illnesses (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory illnesses such as COPD, dermatological illnesses such as psoriasis, depression, etc.) and, more generally, to help people live better at work on a daily basis.

By signing this charter, OpinionWay has committed itself to changing the knowledge and perceptions of cancer and chronic illness in the workplace. As part of this commitment, we have also set up the Working With It Committee, which is responsible for implementing a number of actions in a process of co-construction with employees.

Our commitment to professional equality

The OpinionWay Group’s Gender Equality Index testifies to our strong commitment in this area, with a score of 79/100 in 2023. The Group is working to reduce the pay gap, promote equal opportunities and encourage women to move up the career ladder within the company.

Our support for social and environmental initiatives

For several years now, our Group has been fully committed to supporting social entrepreneurs through dedicated programmes, offering our employees the opportunity to get involved in social projects.

OpinionWay supports humanitarian initiatives such as Rain Drop, aimed at helping families in rural India to combat drought and poverty. Similarly, actions to preserve biodiversity are carried out in collaboration with organisations such as Libraries Without Borders (LWB) and Noé, demonstrating a strong commitment to the planet and humanity.