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inPulser – Mystery shopping

Make your Customer Experience KPIs actionable with inPulser! Your NPS (Net Promoter Score) reports are full of recommendations, regarding promoter/retractor profiles and benchmarking. However, how do you involve your field teams in understanding and using your Customer Experience KPIs? At OpinionWay, we are convinced that this involvement guarantees the ROI of Customer Experience studies and […]

CAP – Cost of workplace conflict

OpinionWay, in collaboration with the coaching firm All Leaders Initiative, has renewed its national survey measuring conflict at work, looking at the situations, the direct and indirect effects and, this year, the dimension of aggression and violence in these situations. By combining this benchmark with the possibility of establishing within your organisation an initiative mirroring […]

CAP – End of career for senior citizens

While the uncertainties surrounding one’s career end are the main driver of their desire for early retirement, we’ve observed more nuanced feelings among the French when asked about the transition from fulltime work to fulltime retirement : people have a genuine interest in finding more flexible arrangements that align with reciprocal commitments and concessions from […]

OpinionSpot by OpinionWay & Episto

There is a whole section of public opinion that is not accessible via traditional inquiry methods: it either ranges outside of the scope provided by panels or implementing such a survey requires overly expensive logistics. To gain access to this sample of people whose opinions matter to companies and institutions with local issues at stake, […]

Communication survey: boosting brand awareness and image

Do you want to raise awareness on your customers, their products or services, structure or strengthen their image to set them apart from the competition? OpinionWay can help you by offering a different way of communicating that combines information and communication, allowing you to express yourself, create content or support a brand message. A tool […]


To identify the levers for a specific positioning that enhances your brand identity as much as its promise, we have designed BrandWay, a holistic 360° evaluation of the components of your brand’s image “issued, relayed, perceived”. It’s a multi-source survey system that can be adapted to meet your specific needs: a semiological exploration of your […]

Diagway – Employees and carers

Myteamily and OpinionWay are launching the Diagway for carers, an analytical tool enabling companies to measure the number of employees who are helping a vulnerable relative, to gather their opinions on how to reconcile work and family life, and to identify the hidden costs for the company. The Diagway analysis enables HR teams to obtain […]

Observatory on neo-insurance

This multi-submission survey enables us to assess the French’s relation to neo-insurance (awareness, perception, image and intentions), as well as providing feedback on the neo-insurance experience. What is the current relation between the French and the neo-insurance industry? Are the French familiar with the concept and the players involved? How do they perceive them? Who […]

Eco-Responsible Travel Index (ERDI)

Based on the Observatory on Business travel, a survey carried out on 500 business travellers every six months since 2020, OpinionWay and Corporate Mobilities have developed the ERDI – Eco-Responsible Travel Index: the first index allowing us to easily measure the awareness of responsible business travel among a company’s employees or customers; to adapt its […]