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Engage your teams

At a time when constant change and competition between the needs and aspirations of those involved are weighing more heavily than ever on the relationship at work, we can help you decipher the keys to these changes and identify possible adjustments for your organisation.

We use two types of approach: surveys on a variety of audiences corresponding to selected themes (new working methods, attractiveness/loyalty factors, managerial cultures, etc.), so that our customers can take an expert public stance; in-house surveys of employees for the purpose of steering social performance (social barometer, health and QWL, prevention of RPS, etc.).

We work with you to deploy all the necessary skills, from gathering data to facilitating decision-making, to understand and act.

Contact us

Quantitative research

Objectifying the world and exploiting figures to make informed decisions In a world where brands and companies play a central role, understanding consumer dynamics is essential. Faced the many and ever-changing expectations of consummers, we provide you with accurate and actionable insights. Our expertise in quantitative research enables you to decipher behaviours, anticipate trends and […]

Mystery shopping

Evaluating and enhancing customer experience with Mystery Shopping Mystery Shopping perfectly complements quantitative and qualitative research by delving into the real-life interactions between your teams and your customers. This unique approach makes it possible to evaluate the quality of client reception, compliance with internal process and operational excellence on site, while identifying opportunities for enhancing […]

Engage your teams

At a time when constant change and competition between the needs and aspirations of those involved are weighing more heavily than ever on the relationship at work, we can help you decipher the keys to these changes and identify possible adjustments for your organisation. We use two types of approach: surveys on a variety of […]