Johan is a researcher in the Services Marketing division, conducting marketing research for the Leisure-Tourism-Mobility and Telecommunications-Retail sectors. He joined the OpinionWay Group at the beginning of 2022 after completing an internship in 2019 as part of his Master I degree.

Can you describe in a few words your duties as Research Manager in the Services Division?

I help to carry out quantitative research projects from A to Z on a wide range of topics. My role involves daily exchanges with clients and in-house teams, so that I can steer each stage of the research assigned to me and guarantee its success.

Copyright: Vincent Boisot

What do you like about your current job?

What I like is working in project mode, on a variety of subjects and in collaboration with many different people. I also enjoy thinking about societal issues that concern a large part of the population. Finally, some research projects challenge me in the way I analyse and process data, which I find particularly stimulating.

What skills do you think are essential for a research manager? 

 Curiosity is essential, whether it’s about the subjects we’re working on or about improving our current and future processes. And, of course, rigour is essential on a daily basis to ensure the quality of our work.

If you had to describe OpinionWay in 3 words, which would you choose?

Collaboration, shared experience and understanding.

Do you have an anecdote about yourself, a hidden talent or a passion to share with us that your colleagues might not be aware of?

I’d like to share a small initiative that I carry out regularly and that could inspire others: I’ve been donating blood, and more specifically platelets, almost every month for the last two years. It’s a simple gesture that saves lives and makes it possible to do a good deed on a regular basis!