Accounting Manager, Elodie joined the OpinionWay Group in 2015.

What were the main stages in your career at OpinionWay?
I joined OpinionWay in 2015 as an accountant, with the main task of managing accounts receivable. Gradually, I broadened my skills by taking on accounts payable and then general accounting. With several years’ experience under my belt, I was given the opportunity to progress to the position of accounts manager.
What are your current responsibilities as Accounts Manager?
My main tasks are to ensure the reliability of the accounts, optimise the accounting processes and produce the financial statements in collaboration with the Finance and Administration Director.
If you had to define the working environment at OpinionWay in terms of 3 adjectives, which would you choose?
I’d say the working environment is dynamic and friendly. There’s also a strong team spirit.
Do you have an anecdote about yourself, a hidden talent, a passion to share with us that your colleagues might not be aware of?
I’m passionate about travelling, but that’s no secret. And I’ve been doing circus arts for several years.